Les 343 d'il y a 40 ans

Publié le par fofo

C'est aujourd'hui le 40ème anniversaire de la signature du manifeste des 343, ces femmes qui affirmaient avoir déjà avorté, alors que c'était interdit !

Mais il est rare de les citer toutes. Alors pour voir la liste exhaustive (je cois) cliquer sur la suite...

Trouvé sur le site 8mars-online.fr à l'adresse: http://8mars-online.fr/le-manifeste-des-343

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You might have come across with stories about the rogue being overpowered and dominating in PVP, that‘s why you want to become a rogue. If you want to do stealthed surprise attacks and you bear the word ‘patience‘ in your mind, then you can become one of the most dominating characters in World of Warcraft (WOW). But keep in mind, it‘s not as easy as you think. It is difficult playing a Rogue in WOW mainly because it needs the necessary skill and the practice every player should have.
very impressive information. i'm going to share it with my friends.
hmm très intéressant .. 40 ans est la majorité